Social/Idea Entrepreneurship
Executive Director & Co-Founding Board Member
Moose River Heritage and Hospitality Association
Since May 2020 I am Executive Director of this association, which I was already serving in a volunteer capacity as a co-founding board member and Heritage Committee co-chair since in 2008. The MRHHA unites individual and jurisdictional members, including Moose Cree First Nation, MoCreebec Eeyoud Council, and the Town of Moosonee. Our vision and mission is “building a future with our shared past," in a way that grapples with the rich and complex history of what is Canada’s oldest continuous Indigenous-European “Middle Ground," and a much deeper Indigenous history. Marked by relations of social, economic and cultural reciprocity and intermarriage, this history can help envision, inspire and advance Canada-wide reconciliation.
Strategic Relationship Lead
GreenQuest Power
GreenQuest Power is a green energy development company focused on base-load green energy, especially geothermal and small hydro.
Our brand of development allows us to invest in communities where our projects produce and enhance environmental, community, and economic benefit.
Pro Bono
Co-Founding Leadership Team Member
Lumen Gentium Forum
I am a co-founding member of the Lumen Gentium Forum, a new program of leadership development for young Catholic and Christian Professionals, aiming to strength habits of virtuous leadership and deeper understanding and application of core Catholic Social Teaching principles: Human Dignity, Solidarity, Subsidiarity, with the goal of envisioning and building the Common Good as inseparable from our own personal good. This is a program of CAPP-Canada, in partnership with the Archdiocese of Toronto and the Newman Centre of the University of Toronto. See
Indigenous Catholic Research Fellowship
The Indigenous Catholic Research Fellowship is an initiative, co-founded with Graydon Nicholas (in the photo with his wife Beth) and others from Canada and the US, that seeks to engage Indigenous, Catholic, and Indigenous Catholic scholars and elders in inter-religious and intercultural research, dialogue, reconciliation and solidarity. It aims to do this in part by gathering and making available online existing resources; promoting and facilitating collaboration on new research and publication projects; organizing an annual research symposium and summer school for emerging scholars and leaders; and collaborating with others on a range of other initiatives.
Member, Indigenous Research Advisory Circle
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Volunteer & Past Board Member,
Virtuous Leadership Institute
I have worked since on an ad hoc volunteer basis with Alexandre Havard, author of Virtuous Leadership and other books, and founder of the Virtuous Leadership Institute, since 2013. Although I am now a paid representative I will offer some VL workshops and seminars pro bono where possible and needed. Prior to becoming a representative I served on a volunteer basis, a two-year term as a board member (2013-2014) and played a leading role in organizing three Canadian visits (2013, 2014, and 2019). These visits included public lectures, workshops and events, with venues such as Parliament Hill, the Rideau Club, Dominican University College, and the Newman Centre of McGill University, as well as co-sponsors such as Cardus, the Speaker of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Commons, Commerce Dorval, Family Development and Education (Montreal), DOXA Catholic Professionals Network (Montreal), etc. Contact me for me information.
CAPP-Canada is a national chapter of the Fondazione Centesimus Annus – Pro Pontifice, a Vatican-based lay-run foundation established by Pope John Paul II in 1993, with the primary mission of promoting a deeper knowledge and application of Catholic Social Doctrine among lay Catholics.
In other words, CAPP-Canada seeks to help lay Catholic leaders in Canada form their conscience in accordance with the fundamental principles of the Catholic Social Doctrine - dignity of the human person, solidarity, subsidiarity - that they, in turn, may help advance the Common Good and the spirit and presence of the Gospel throughout Canadian society. CAPP members and friends also support the charitable works of the Holy Father.
Co-founding Board Director
Nature’s Laws Institute
The originating in Maskwacis Cree territory), this new institute has as its aim to help revitalize Indigenous understandings of Nature's Laws (natural law) and bring them into deep dialogue with other understandings.
More information to follow