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Cecil Chabot
May 27, 20201 min read
A Talk on Bio-Cultural Diversity, Inspired by Cree Elder, Raphael Wabano
This is my contribution last year, to a panel on “Restoration, revitalization, maintenance and transmission of indigenous languages and...
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Cecil Chabot
May 27, 20201 min read
Envisioning Reconciliation: Cultivating the Best in Ourselves and Others.
This is a video of a talk I gave earlier this year, on leadership and reconciliation, for a predominantly Catholic audience at McGill...
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Cecil Chabot
May 27, 20201 min read
Renewing on Middle Ground: the Relevance for Canada of Moose Factory's History.
This is not a new article, but I am reposting it here as it remains relevant and provides context for a major project the Moose River...
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